carl 4th February 2010

hi dad, im sat here yet agin thinking about you, stil time go's on that im missing you. i really hope you are watching over us cos life is shit, i hope there is a life where you are cos we can have a laugh again all of us. mum stillmisses you which i dont blame her, but you always said you hope to go before her cos you would die of a broken heart. paul misses you, i dont think he can bring him self to coment about you, which he finds it hard so please forgive him. H e really misses you dad which we all do so i will speak for him. When you was in hospital he did rub your head and tears came down his face, we all love and miss you dad,hope there is a life after death, and i hope you are watching us, cos i think of you every day, love you always love from your son's carl, paul......